Saturday, October 9, 2010

We are at midterms ladies and gentlemen!

Wow, what a semester it has been so far! Full of studying, party organizing and surprises of course.
My classes are going great. So far I've been a writing fiend for my Technical Writing class. Somehow, my professor has managed to turn a potentially tedious and boring class into something marvelous. Everything is relevant to the students and our projects are graded on a very professional basis. I love her! She has been a great influence for my final capstone project.

The capstone project? 20-25 pages of pure, glorious research and top notch writing. I've chosen a the Theory of Uncertainty-Reduction. Unsure of what that could be all about? No worries, I'll post a summary of it later when I get it all written.

Those are only two of my 18 credit classes, but one of the most beneficial classes is Advertising. It's also one of my very favorites! The professors at SUU are different than most professors. My classes are small and very intimate. For example, my advertising professor asked that we call him Ben. Simple and easy. He actually remembers my name and those of my fellow classmates when we run into each other on campus. It's not just him either, ALL of my professors do that. I like SUU. It's very personable and well, excellent education.

Ok, enough of the free advertisement for the university! What I really wanted to talk about was our latest and greatest ad campaign! It's a hypothetical ad for wite-out and had to be incorporated into a social media. While I'd love nothing more than to post it right now, it has yet to be I'm going to hold off until there is no possible chance of someone using our idea! Sorry!

Anyway, in other news, I'm involved in the yoga club on campus, the guitar club and I've started up a dessert night every Sunday at my house where I try out delicious recipes. Next on my list, get a calling! Goodness! It's harder than you'd think apparently!

All in all, life is good!


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