For all of its brutal winters and sweltering summers, southern Utah really makes up for everything in the Fall.
I took this picture today while getting out of class and honestly, the changing leaves just breath taking. Walking around campus brings back fond memories of crisp apple cider from Roper's barn and getting ready to go trick-or-treating with my family.
It's amazing how such the simple, organic occurrence of colors changing on trees and the air gaining more chill can bring back so many feelings and memories of growing up. This makes me reflect on where I've been in October's past. Last year, it was Milan, Italy. The one before that it was Provo, Utah and the 3 before that were spent in Cedar City, Utah. Going any further back would take me to Fillmore and all the football games spent shivering under a blanket while watching the Millard Eagles score yet another touch down.
Where were you? Do you remember what made this time of year special for you? Was it the joy of watching your kids getting free candy and thinking trick-or-treating was the greatest invention man ever created? Or was it spent worrying sick over your midterms and wondering how in the world you're ever going to make rent that month. Whatever it is, tell me about it. October is a spectacular month and by far one of my very favorites. So, pour yourself some spiced cider, sit back and reminisce over your October's past and start typing.
Seriously thinking you could become an Author. Loved your post!! There are certain very dark maroon leaves up in the hills of our mountain that takes me back dating my sweet husband! Yep, he took me up to get leaves for my classroom, got covered with some sort of white bugs while cutting the branches I chose,he didn't seem to mind but hey, when you dating it's all good;) The thoughts of many a football game, soccer game and rides up the mountains, and of course trying to get family pictures of everyone with just the right leaves!! haha..Lets not forget the smell of a pumpkin spice candle burning♥